5 Effective Natural Remedies to Relieve Seasonal Allergies

Are you someone who struggles with allergies every season? Do you dread stepping outside because of the constant sneezing, itchy eyes, and runny nose? If you are anything like me, you don't want to have to rely on medication that makes you drowsy and has other side effects all the time during the season transitions. As a mom who suffers from seasonal allergies myself (those sinus headaches are a bear!), I have tried and tested many natural remedies, and today I am sharing my top 5 favorite natural remedies that have worked wonders for me and my family. These tools are cheap and effective and perfect to keep stocked in your wellness cabinets for anytime allergies become a problem. 

If you are someone who suffers from sinus congestion and pressure during allergy season, then SinusCalm homeopathic remedy by Boiron can provide you with instant relief. This homeopathic remedy is made of natural ingredients like Sabadilla and Belladonna, which have been traditionally used to relieve nasal congestion, sinus pressure, and headaches. SinusCalm is non-drowsy and free from side effects, making it a convenient solution for anytime of day. I personally suffer from sinus pressure headaches in the spring and fall as the weather changes.This might be TMI but I LOVE SinusCalm, because every time I take it, within a couple of hours I have a GIGANTIC sneeze that clears out all of my sinus pressure, and usually feel a million times better afterwards!! 

This is a natural nasal spray that offers a safe and effective solution for sinus issues related to allergies. This fast-acting spray contains purified water and humic extract. These ingredients work synergistically to cleanse the nasal passages, reduce inflammation, and soothe irritated tissues. Unlike many over-the-counter nasal sprays, ION Sinus Support doesn't cause any side effects or dependency, making it a great choice for daily use in managing sinus-related allergies. I love it because it is immediately soothing and helps to open up nasal passages and allow sinuses to clear! 

3. Season Essentials essential oil blend by Young Living (use code SHAREYL to get an extra 10% off your first order):
Essential oils have been used for centuries to help ease various health issues, including helping the body, sinuses and respiratory passages deal with the transition of seasons. The Season Essentials essential oil blend by Young Living is a potent blend of natural oils like Lemon, Lavender, Peppermint, Goldenrod, and Eucalyptus Blue, which helps you breathe easier and reduces common annoyances like runny nose, cough, and sneezing. Simply add a few drops to a diffuser,  or apply to your temples, over sinuses, chest, and behind your ears. Sometimes I will even add a few drops of this oil to an empty veggie capsule and take it by mouth. 

4. Allerzyme enzyme supplement by Young Living: (use code SHAREYL to get an extra 10% off your first order):
Allerzyme enzyme supplement by Young Living is a natural supplement that supports healthy digestion and helps reduce the allergic response triggered by certain foods or environmental triggers. It contains plant-based enzymes that help support the healthy breakdown of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, which are often associated with triggering allergies. It's a must-try if you are looking for a natural solution to ease your allergy symptoms. I am ALWAYS impressed every season when I start taking Allerzyme consistently how much it helps my body combat the effects of allergens. 

AllergyCalm by Boiron (formerly RhinAllergy) is a homeopathic combo medication that helps relieve allergy symptoms like runny nose, itchy throat, and sneezing without causing drowsiness or other side effects. I'm telling you I LOVE these homeopathic combo remedies so much! It's made of natural ingredients like Sabadilla, Histaminum, and Arsenicum, which work together to provide fast relief from allergy symptoms.  We've seen AllergyCalm stop acute allergy attacks and histamine responses dozens of times at my house. It's safe for both adults and children and is an excellent alternative to over-the-counter allergy medications.

I said my top 5, but actually it is 6 because I thought of a bonus supplement that we love!🤣 D-Hist or Snifflex is a natural supplement made of natural ingredients like quercetin, bromelain, and stinging nettle, which help support a healthy inflammatory response and ease allergy symptoms like nasal congestion, itchy eyes, and sneezing.

I especially love that Snifflex contains NAC, which is an amino acid that is a mucolytic agent that helps break down and expel mucus! It promotes clear airways and supports the production of glutathione (the master detox antioxidant in the body!). It's an excellent supplement during allergy and cold/flu season. We don't take this all the time, only when we start to deal with allergy or cold-related symptoms (my kids have muscle-tested for this supplement and always respond super well to it!). But if your child struggles consistently during these seasons, you could use it as a daily support supplement. 

Living with seasonal allergies can be a real struggle, but you don't have to suffer! There are lots of natural tools that can support your body during the transition of seasons. With the help of these natural remedies, you can enjoy the outdoors again without worrying about the constant sneezing, itching, coughing, and tension headaches. And as a disclaimer - none of this info is intended as medical advice. I'm simply sharing the tools that have worked for me and my kids personally when dealing with this common struggle. Before trying any new remedy, make sure to consult with your healthcare provider, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or have other health conditions.

Let me know if you try & love any of these! 

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