Women Teaching Women Podcast LAUNCH DAY!
About 4 months ago, I had an idea for a podcast drop into my heart that I knew immediately I wanted to pursue. I have dreamed for a long time of having a way to use my creativity and love for teaching/speaking and writing to help build the Kingdom of God and encourage and equip other women. I immediately knew I wanted to name it Women Teaching Women, and I wanted it to focus on helping people share their testimonies of how Jesus saved them and what the study of God's Word has done in their lives.

God's Word encourages women in Titus chapter 2 to teach other women how to be wise women of faith in Christ. In each episode of Women Teaching Women, we'll talk to a woman who is grounded in the Word of God about how she met Jesus, and how the study of God's Word has shaped and transformed her life. Often we will discuss a particular Bible passage that has been meaningful to her life and what we can learn from her study and experience with it. My hope and vision is for listeners to walk way inspired with a desire to seek God's Word more fervently for themselves. 

I'm SO honored and excited that today is the day this dream becomes a reality! My dear friend Miranda Haslam agreed to be my first guest, and I know that her story of transformation after accepting Christ will encourage and bless you! 

You can find the Women Teaching Women podcast anywhere that podcasts are found! 

Please Subscribe to the podcast on your favorite listening app and consider leaving a review if there is an episode that you really love!
This helps us to spread the word and reach more listeners with encouraging testimonies and the Word of God. 

Want to be a guest on the show and share your own testimony?
Fill out our Guest Form and I'll be in touch to coordinate your episode!


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