How To Share the Gospel with your Kids

In this blog post, we discover practical tips and strategies for sharing the Gospel with our kids. It emphasizes the importance of starting with prayer, using simple language, and always pointing to Scripture. Consistency is key, and making sharing the Gospel a daily habit helps reinforce their faith. Being creative, through crafts, games, songs, and interactive experiences, can keep kids engaged and excited about learning. Leading by example is crucial as children need to see authentic, genuine faith in action. Ultimately, it's important to remember that we can't control our children's choices, but we can commit them to prayer and consistently share the Gospel with them while being an example of a life lived for Jesus.

3 Tips for Starting a Gluten- or Dairy-Free Diet with Your Child

Discovering that your child needs to follow a gluten or dairy-free diet can be overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be, according to a recent blog post. The author shares their own experience of transitioning their child to a gluten- and dairy-free diet and offers three helpful tips for parents. The first tip is to keep things simple by finding alternative recipes or products for your child's favorite foods. The second tip is to develop a positive mindset and not let negative comments or restrictions overshadow the child's enjoyment of events and celebrations. Lastly, involving the child in the process can be empowering and educational, teaching them how to identify allergens and read ingredient labels. By focusing on the positive aspects, parents can make this journey easier and more enjoyable for everyone involved.