Women Teaching Women Podcast LAUNCH DAY!

Women Teaching Women Podcast LAUNCH DAY!
Introducing the Women Teaching Women podcast, a platform dedicated to sharing inspiring testimonies of how Jesus has transformed lives through the study of God's Word. Each episode features grounded women of faith discussing their personal journeys and the impact the Bible has had on their lives. This podcast aligns with the biblical encouragement in Titus 2 for women to teach and uplift one another. Hosted by a passionate teacher and writer, the Women Teaching Women podcast aims to inspire listeners to delve deeper into their own study of God's Word. In the inaugural episode, guest Miranda Haslam shares her powerful story of transformation after accepting Christ. You can listen to the Women Teaching Women podcast on various platforms such as Apple Podcasts, Spotify, iHeart Radio, and Amazon Music. Don't forget to subscribe, leave a review, and consider becoming a guest to share your own testimony of faith.

Holiday Gift Guide for Her: The Ultimate List for the Jesus-Loving, Low-Tox Mama!

'Tis the season to find the perfect gifts for the special women in your life, and our holiday gift guide has you covered. For the Bible-studying mama, the Unpack the Word Bible Study Journal is the ideal choice. This journal is designed to help deepen the understanding and application of Scripture, making it a meaningful gift for any woman looking to enhance her Bible study skills.

Looking for a practical yet stylish gift? The Simple Modern 40oz tumbler with straw is a versatile choice for moms on the go. With its ability to keep drinks cold or hot for hours, leak-proof design, and vibrant color options, it's a practical and fashionable gift she'll use every day.

For those seeking a gift that combines wellness and beauty, the Aria Diffuser from Young Living is a must-have. Not only does it enhance home decor, but it also fills the space with the delightful aroma of Young Living essential oils. With its built-in speaker and customizable LED light, the Aria Diffuser creates a blissful environment for relaxation and rejuvenation.

These are just a few highlights from our ultimate gift guide for the Jesus-loving, low-tox lady in your life. You can find even more gift ideas and details on our website. Please note that some of the links in the guide are affiliate links, but we only recommend products we genuinely believe in and have personally used. Your support is greatly appreciated, and we thank you for considering these thoughtful gifts.

Immune System Upgrade

Immune System Upgrade
Are you sick of being sick? Dread exposure to germs? Do you catch everything that goes around? Want to enjoy the holidays feeling equipped and protected with a toolbox of helpful tools to help you stay well?

In this video class, we'll discuss the immune system and all sorts of tips, ideas, and products you can use to give your immune system the upgrade & support it needs to do all of the things it needs to do! You'll be pleasantly surprised that with some intentional support and effort, you won't have to suffer and dread winter.

Grab my FREE Fall/Winter Wellness PDF for links to ALL of my favorite wellness tools! 

How To Share the Gospel with your Kids

In this blog post, we discover practical tips and strategies for sharing the Gospel with our kids. It emphasizes the importance of starting with prayer, using simple language, and always pointing to Scripture. Consistency is key, and making sharing the Gospel a daily habit helps reinforce their faith. Being creative, through crafts, games, songs, and interactive experiences, can keep kids engaged and excited about learning. Leading by example is crucial as children need to see authentic, genuine faith in action. Ultimately, it's important to remember that we can't control our children's choices, but we can commit them to prayer and consistently share the Gospel with them while being an example of a life lived for Jesus.

Must-Have Wellness Tools for Fall & Winter

As a young mom, I sought out natural remedies to support her family's wellness. Realizing that I couldn't stand to see my kids suffer without being able to help, I embarked on a search for the best, safest, and most effective natural remedies. This led me to compile a "Wellness Toolbox" filled with pure, therapeutic grade essential oils, supplements, and homeopathic remedies, along with other tools. I've seen these tools work for my family time and time again, and now you can get my free PDF guide with links to all our favorite wellness tools. If you're looking to support your family's health this fall and winter, this guide may be a valuable resource for you!

Easy Keto Lasagna - Dairy-free, Gluten-Free, Low-Carb

Don't miss out on this comfort food that caters to your dietary needs!  Using Kite Hill dairy-free ricotta cheese, vegan mozzarella, and Egg Life egg white wraps as the lasagna noodles, this dish is low in carbs and perfect for those with dietary restrictions. With simple and easy steps, you can quickly whip up a delicious, protein-packed lasagna that will become a family favorite. 


5 Effective Natural Remedies to Relieve Seasonal Allergies

If you suffer from seasonal allergies and want to find natural remedies to relieve your symptoms, this blog post has got you covered. As a mom who deals with allergies herself, I'm sharing my top 5 favorite natural remedies that have worked wonders for me and my family. From a homeopathic remedy for sinus congestion, to a nasal spray that cleanses and soothes irritated tissues, to an essential oil blend that helps with breathing, these remedies are cheap, effective, and perfect for keeping in your wellness cabinets. The post also includes a bonus supplement for extra support during allergy season. Give these natural tools a try and enjoy the outdoors again without worrying about constant sneezing and itching.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this post is not intended as medical advice. Consult with your healthcare provider before trying any new remedy, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or have other health conditions.

3 Tips for Starting a Gluten- or Dairy-Free Diet with Your Child

Discovering that your child needs to follow a gluten or dairy-free diet can be overwhelming, but it doesn't have to be, according to a recent blog post. The author shares their own experience of transitioning their child to a gluten- and dairy-free diet and offers three helpful tips for parents. The first tip is to keep things simple by finding alternative recipes or products for your child's favorite foods. The second tip is to develop a positive mindset and not let negative comments or restrictions overshadow the child's enjoyment of events and celebrations. Lastly, involving the child in the process can be empowering and educational, teaching them how to identify allergens and read ingredient labels. By focusing on the positive aspects, parents can make this journey easier and more enjoyable for everyone involved.

5 Questions to Ask When Studying The Bible

5 Questions to Ask When Studying The Bible
Are you tired of shallow, feelings-oriented questions in Bible studies? Knowing how to study the Bible doesn't have to be overwhelming - just a few key questions and tools can guide your approach to understanding Scripture. Start by considering the literary style of the book you're studying. The Bible was written with multiple genres, so understanding the style can enhance your reading experience. Additionally, knowing who wrote the book can provide context and insight into their perspective and purpose. Keep reading for three more important questions to consider when studying the Bible.
Discovering the richness of the Bible can be a daunting task, but it doesn't have to be overwhelming. By asking a few key questions and utilizing helpful tools, you can deepen your understanding and application of Scripture.

First, consider the literary style of the book you're studying. Different genres require different approaches to interpretation, so it's important to take note of the style before diving in. Additionally, knowing the author provides important context for understanding the book. While God is ultimately the author of the Bible, He used various humans throughout history to write His story.

Understanding the intended audience and the historical context of a book is also crucial. This context can provide valuable insights and prevent misinterpretation of verses. Lastly, don't forget to pay attention to what you learn about God's character throughout your study. Reflect on His attributes and challenge any preconceived notions you may have.

Studying the Bible should be an enlightening and transformative experience, so take the time to dig deep and discover the treasures within.