As a parent, finding out that your child has to start a gluten or dairy-free diet can be overwhelming. I remember when we had to completely remove dairy and gluten for my daughter when was 4 to help her gut and eczema heal. It's a whole new way of cooking, shopping, and meal-planning, and it can bring up a lot of feelings! Speaking from experience - it WILL get easier, and you'll find a new normal that doesn't feel nearly as hard or overwhelming. Give yourself TONS of grace and patience. Your kiddo will also get to live their life! I'm going to share 3 tips that helped me when we were transitioning to a gluten- and dairy-free diet with my child. 

1. Keep It Simple:
The first thing to remember is that you don't have to make everything from scratch or buy fancy gluten/dairy-free products! Instead, find a few of your child's favorite things and find alternative recipes or products that you can keep stocked. For example, if your child loves pancakes in the morning, you can find a gluten-free pancake mix that works well for your family. (We like this one)  Don't overwhelm yourself with fancy recipes or blow your entire budget on snacks. Go slow, stay simple.

2. Get a Thicker Skin & Choose Your Mindset:
Yes, people will make comments and misunderstand your food restrictions. Yes, you'll have to figure out how to plan ahead and bring your own snacks or treats. However, your mindset in this will make all the difference for you and your child. You set the tone for whether they feel like they can enjoy birthday parties and holidays or whether they feel like their food restrictions are burdens on everyone. Remember that it's okay to say no to certain events if you feel like they'll be too stressful. And own your decision to bring your own snacks or treats with pride! You're doing what's best for your child, and that's something to be proud of.

3. Involve Your Child & Look for Teachable Moments:
Explaining to your child that their body will be healthier and feel so much better when they eat foods that don't have gluten or dairy will help them be involved in this process in a positive way. Show them in the grocery store how to look for "Contains Wheat" or "Contains Milk" is on the ingredients label. They might even discover a new favorite food by exploring options that ARE available to them! Celebrate when you find a treat that they can have. Even at a young age, kids can learn how to identify foods that might contain allergens, and how to read ingredient labels to make sure they are safe for them. These are highly valuable skills for life! You don't need to feel guilty or bad for teaching your child how to advocate for themselves. This will help everyone adapt to a new normal more quickly. You can also make meal-planning and grocery shopping a fun activity by involving your child and showing them all the new options available to them. They might even discover a new favorite food!

Starting a gluten or dairy-free diet with your child can feel overwhelming at first, but it doesn't have to be. Remember to keep things simple, choose your mindset, and make it fun and engaging for your child. It's important to remember that this is a journey that you're embarking on together, and with time and practice, it will become easier. By focusing on the positive aspects of living a gluten or dairy-free lifestyle, you can help your child feel empowered and excited about the new foods and experiences they'll discover. 

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1 Comment

  1. I also try and do a sugar, gluten and dairy (except raw milk) free diet because of a cancer history. The thing I struggle most with is I love Greek yogurt and finding a good one is hard.

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