If you have a family member with food allergies or are simply trying to maintain a low-carb diet, finding comfort foods can be difficult. But fear not! I've discovered the perfect solution for those who are craving lasagna but need a dish that fits their dietary needs. With just a few ingredients, you can whip up a delicious, easy keto lasagna using Kite Hill dairy-free ricotta cheese, vegan mozzarella, and Egg Life egg white wraps as the lasagna noodles. This recipe is so simple and easy to make; it'll quickly become a family favorite!

Serves 8
  • 1lb ground beef or pork
  • 1 tsp minced garlic
  • salt & pepper to taste
  • 1 26oz jar of marinara sauce (I love Rao's or the Kirkland Organic from Costco)
  • 1 container Kite Hill Dairy-free Ricotta Cheese
  • 1 egg
  • 1 package of Egg Life egg white wraps
  • Italian Seasoning to taste (I love Kinder's Italian Chop House!
  • 8oz shredded vegan mozzarella cheese (or regular mozzarella if you can do dairy)
1. Gather your ingredients: this lasasgna is easy to assemble if you have everything gathered into an assembly line. To make this easy keto lasagna, you will need to have your meat & pasta sauce combined, your ricotta & egg combined, Egg Life wraps, and your vegan mozzarella handy. 

2. Cook the ground beef or pork: In a skillet, cook the ground beef or turkey along with minced garlic, salt, and pepper until it has browned. Add the jar of pasta sauce after the meat is fully cooked and combine, remove from heat. 

3. While the meat is cooking, combine the Kite Hill ricotta with egg & italian seasoning in a small bowl and set aside.

4. Assemble the lasagna: Preheat your oven to 375°F. In a glass 9x13 baking dish, spread a layer of meat sauce on the bottom. Place 2-3 Egg Life egg white wraps on top of the sauce. Spread a layer of the Kite Hill dairy-free ricotta cheese over the wraps, and a sprinkle of vegan mozzarella cheese. Repeat this process until you've run out of ingredients or have filled your baking dish to your desired depth. 

4. Bake: Cover your lasagna with a generous layer of vegan mozzarella on top. Cover the baking dish with foil and bake for 20-25. Remove the foil and bake for an additional 5-10 minutes until the cheese is fully melted and bubbly. Keep an eye on this so it doesn't get too brown and crispy!

5. Enjoy: Remove the lasagna from the oven when done and let it rest for a few minutes before serving. This easy keto lasagna is sure to be a hit with your family and friends!

Finding meals that cater to dietary restrictions can be challenging, but this easy keto lasagna using Kite Hill dairy-free ricotta cheese, vegan mozzarella, and Egg Life egg white wraps as the lasagna noodles ticks all the boxes! It's not only delicious but also protein-packed, low in carbs, and perfect for those with dietary restrictions. Give it a try, and you'll be amazed by how easy it is to make and how tasty it is to eat.

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