Hannah is a multi-passionate educator helping women
cultivate health & well-being in their homes & faith
I came to faith in Christ at the age of 6 and was fortunate to grow up in an environment that immersed me in God's Word. As I have walked with the Lord and studied the Bible for the last 25+ years, God has put on my heart a passion to help other women fall in love with Him through His Word, and a call to a higher level of thought and interaction with Scripture. Through various seasons I have led women's Bible studies and small groups both online and in-person. I also create resources and encouragement that I share on social media, and I have the great privilege of interviewing women of faith about how the study of Scripture has transformed them personally as the host of the Women Teaching Women Podcast. 
I grew up thinking that everything in life happened TO me. It was only when I got married and started a family that I discovered how my small daily choices make the biggest impacts - in every area of life. Due to multiple sensitivities to synthetic chemicals and fragrance, I made small steps towards a toxin-free home. My entrepreneurial spirit led me to start a business educating & coaching others on how to take their own baby steps towards a healthier, more natural way of living. This turned out to be the greatest gift - a business I could do from home while being a present mom with my babies every day.
Over the last 10 years of running my own business as a brand partner with Young Living and content creator for multiple platforms, I love that I get to use my gifts to help & serve others in a variety of ways. I get to help women just like me start to make those small baby steps towards a more natural & toxin-free life. I get to help moms just like me who are desperately looking for a way to bring in income while they get to stay home with their babies and not miss a single important moment. And I get to inspire women to fall in love with God's Word and experience the transformation that can come in their minds and hearts as they begin to hear God's voice through Scripture. 

I'm so looking forward to getting to know & serve you! 

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